Wednesday, December 16, 2009
; this is how Malaysian works
Saturday, December 12, 2009
; so called "hot chicks"
Friday, December 11, 2009
hari yang indah :)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
dahla hitam, gelap pulak
alternative penyelesaian adalah dgn menghantar ke kedai dan repair, tapi buang mase je sbb aku dh merajuk dgn laptop tu. so, jalan terbaik adalah dgn membeli yg baru. :D * muka gembira*
selesai yg tu, IOP malay x siap lagi padahal hari isnin dah nk kene present. jantung rase mcm nk meletup. Tak sedar diri IOP tu esok, hari nie, boleh lagi berlenggang kangkung melepak kt rumah maksu yg serba indah ini online. Bajet macam nk cari artikel, wanita hari inila, oprah la..last skali, haprak! mmg kecewa dgn diri sendiri, tp, xpe...lain kali insyaAllah x akan buat lagi.
Exam final lagi tiga minggu dan buku x habis dibaca lagi..pure maths macam tergantung di tgh jalan. Sume pon x cover lagi, apal yg nk jadi nie. mcm biasa x sedar diri jgk. Igt nie mcm SPM ke ape eh? Kalau dah automatik pandai x pe jgk, nie nk bace, igt pon terkedek. Tgh merenung nasib, lepas nie nk sambung berusaha walaupon tak tahu byk mane la usaha tu. Bru td ayah n ibu dtg, bg semangat. jgn nk mengada jadi cik pemalas.
Konklusinye, akhir kate, makin nk exam, makin byk la dugaannya. Hypotesis diterima. Mungkin boleh berhenti merepek sekarang. off ; ainun
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
; think
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
; they just can't take it away from me.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
; of the beat. clear your mind and let your heart speak
bercinta :)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
kembali :)
Friday, September 11, 2009
hidup ;)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
bila pintu hati diketuk ; Ramadhan
Ramadhan datang dan mengetuk pintu hatiku. Mengajak diri untuk muhasabah dan menilai sejauh mana hidup ini membawa aku menjadi diri sendiri. Aku berfikir sejenak dan melihat ciptaan Allah. Subhanallah, bahawa aku sebenanrnya telah lalai di muka bumi ini. Lalai menjadi seorang muslim solehah, aku sibuk dengan kelalaian dan keseronokan dunia.
Kadang kala, aku tidak berfikir bahawa Allah telah menentukan segalanya tetapi, aku seakan lupa bahawa aku sepatutnya bersyukur, bukan hanya tahu meminta.
Bila pintu hati diketuk, dada bagai terasa lapang. Bagai dicuci dgn keikhlasan diri sendiri yg datangya dari Allah s.w.t . Maha suci Allah, Maha Pengasih lagi Penyayang yang masih memberi aku peringatan dan kesedaran disebalik kelalaian aku. Sesungguhnya, Allah masih menyayangi aku.
Benar kata orang, manusia lupa dan lalai tetapi di saat kesusahan, mereka kembali kepada pencipta mereka yang Maha Esa yang bisa melakukan apa sahaja dengan izinnya. Bila Ramadhan menjelma, aku menjengah zaman yang telah aku lalui. Penuh dgn kelalaian dan terlalu mengejar keduniaan. UPSR, PMR, SPM dan kini IB. Semua itu aku kejar untuk kenikmatan dunia tapi terdetik seketika di dalam hatiku bahawa, ia datang dari Maha Agung Allah.
Selama aku masih bisa bernafas, atau disaat kau mencabut nyawaku, aku akan tetap mencintaimu, ya Allah, rabbul alamin. Selama aku hidup, ya Allah, kau beri aku kenikmatan dunia dan aku cukup bersyukur dengan segalanya.
; refleksi diri dan muhasabah. Ramadhan titik permulaan dan perubahan.
*ainunMENAWAN ;)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
i'm back from my college. Feels good to be home. haha!~ i'm so lazy to update my blog and i don't noe why. so, sempena ramadhan, i just wanna say Selamat Berpuasa to all BLOGGERS and my READERS kalau adela. Hope you enjoy your ramadhan and menghayati bulan ini dgn penuh makna :D
Friday, August 7, 2009
to ponder upon.
i happened to like someone and i can't lie myself for not liking him. Someone gave this to me to ponder upon it.
Ya Allah,
Seandainya telah engkau catatkan
Dia milikku tercipta buatku
Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku
Titipkanlah kebahagian antara kami agar kemesraan itu abadi
Dan ya Allah ya tuhanku yang maha mengasihi
Seiringkanlah kami melayari hidup ini
Ketepian yang sejahtera dan abadi
Tetapi ya Allah
Seandainya telah engkau takdirkan dia bukan miliku
Bawalah ia jauh dari pandanganku
Luputkanlah ia dari ingatanku
Dan peliharalah aku dari kekecewaan
Serta ya Allah ya tuhanku yang maha mengerti
Berikanlah aku kekuatan
Melontar bayangannya jauh ke dada langit
Hilang bersama senja nan merah agar aku bahagia
Walaupun tanpa bersama dengannya
Dan ya Allah yang tercinta
Gantillah yang telah hilang
Tumbuhkanlah kembali yang telah patah
Walaupun tidak sama dengan dirinya
Ya Allah ya tuhanku
Pasrahkanlah aku dengan takdirmu
Sesungguhnya apa yang telah engkau takdirkan
Adalah yang terbaik buat ku kerana Engkau maha mengetahui
Segala yang terbaik buat hamba Mu ini
Ya Allah…
Cukuplah engkau sahaja yang menjadi pemeliharaku
Di dunia dan di akhirat
Dengarlah rintihan dari hamba Mu yang daif ini
Jangan engkau biarkan aku sendirian
Di dunia ini mahupun di akhirat
Menjuruskan aku kearah kemaksiatan dan kemungkaran
Maka kurniakanlah aku seorang pasangan yang beriman
Supaya aku dan dia sama-sama dapat membina kesejahteraan hidup
Ke jalan yang Engkau redhai dan kurniakanlah padaku keturunan yang soleh
Ya Rabbal A’lamin.
Afterall, still hoping for him and may Allah hear all my prayers.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
new born baby ; arissa qaisara
yesterday was indeed a good day for me and too all my family ; opah, ibu, ayah, semuala...and especially to my dearest aunty and uncle - andak and uncle ajun. congrats!
although at first, it was a nerve racking moment. My aunty was attended to labour room and for 7 hours, at last the baby came out but with the help of vacumm. it was scary actually at first when the baby is nearly to come out but my aunty loses her breath and failed to push and, the baby went back inside...haha! kelakar plak last, dgn doa dan kesabaran, the baby pon keluarla and see the world with the wight of 3.15kg and length of 53cm. She finally comes for real! but eventually, the mommy was sent to OT because the placenta
My andak had decided to put her name as what i've told her before back then when she still pregnant. oh, cooooll x??? Her name is Arissa Qaisara with the meaning of permaisuri dan azam yg kuat. Good name though. i really thought the name suits her because she was sooooo cute and i want her to be very determine and success in both dunia and akhirat.insyaAllah.
As the matter of facts, something suddenly bugged my head. thinking of how old i am compared to my cousin. OMG! by the time i'm 28, they're just 9 or 10!!! adoi, serious, x bole move on! hahaha :D xpela, by the time i become a doctor, bole treat them all ; my sepupu. haha!
Well, i'm glad to have her as my cousin. Her birth is one of the best thing that happen in my life and somehow, giving me a breakthrough to what i will be some day.
Arissa Qaisara ; you have such a beautiful name ( sbb saya yg bagi ) haha! i LOVE you.
Monday, August 3, 2009
new life ; new hope :)
hello people. it's been a month since i don't write anything on my blog.
i don't have anything to write honestly but maybe i should write a bit about my new life.
I'm gonna start with my block first. i was placed in block D where all the girls are juniors. My room is D219 which is just far away from the main entrance whereby you have to take stairs and walk until the end of the world where there's a view of kelapa sawit and the jogging track and other stuff.
I'm lucky to have my roommate :D very sekepala! xbole move on! haha! miss arlina arshad or ali. gadis pink yang suke pakai selendang and sentiasa comel tu...that's my roommate la! haha :) i love the people there, baik, friendly and they were one of the best thing that happen in my life :D
From room to class. i was placed at M09D which i think full of marie curie's and albert einstein's. serious! mereka bijak! HEBAT! i'm sooooo thankful that Allah placed me in the class because so far i can mingle and mix around with everyone. thanks to seha, my deskmate yg asyik dgn pinknye walaupon i always tease her..haha! my buddy ; dodol! amni yang asyik dgn jaja nye dan teman ke mane2..haha!~
Ah, one more thing. i was in the choir group. haha! lwk x??? i noe my voice wasn't like mariah carey tp perasan sedap sudahhhhh! i was also one of the tennis member yg x berapa reti nk maen tenis and sometimes, i ashamed myself in front of everyone while playing it.haha :D
So, basically, that is my life at kmb. i think i have enough. Enough of little thingy that can make me survive at kmb. i'm gonna start a new life and raising new spirit. the hopeless is hoping for a new hope to be true.
i'm trying to be positive and think ahead ; the future :D
Sunday, June 28, 2009
alhamdulillah, i have a very safe journey to my college, MARA college Banting. it was very tiring day for me, i mean for the whole week of orientation. Friends here are great! i can't wait to start my lesson but a little bit afraid for the moment., before anything, terima kasih arlina!!! for letting me borrow her calcom broadband yang aru sahaj di beli! thnx room mate!~ hehehe
p/s : saya nervous, takut dan etc. very insecure right now.
til then,
love ; *ainunMENAWAN ;)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
rhapsody hati ;)

i'm gonna be away from my house and probably less time to have fun.
i just hope to excell there and be good. haha! luckily, i have my friends with me ther. Loads of them and they can give me full support.
last night, as i packed my things, suddenly my adek come and somehow, it touched me :(
adek : kakak nk pergi mane ni??? nk pegi kolej MARA Banting ( she seriously said the full college name ) dah ke?
me : yes adek...selasa nie kakak masukla..
adek : kakak jgnla pergi...nnti sape nk tmn adek? nk hantar adek pegi sekolah? nk amek adek?
me : laa...ibu kn ade..mak cik dewi ade ( who is my jiran ) kn??? ok!
adek : tanak mak cik dewi...
me : have to la adek...xpon ibu amek kn?
adek : haaaa...( smiling ) kakak..
me : yes, ape???
adek : kakak nnti nyanyila kt adek...bole??? nnti adek rindu dgr kakak nyanyi melalak dlm bilik air tu..hehehe :DD
me : hmm...bole!!!! sure la syg oii! ( i merely to cry but i pretend strong! )
adek : ok!!! dhla kakak, adek tanak tolong kakak kemas la...adek nk tgk tv
me : dhla..pegi jauh2!
although she doesn't wanna help me which i find it soooo annoying but, i was a little upset but what to do? i have to go and fight for my future.
friends, thank you for supporting me and wish me luck there! haha! :D
till then ; bye.
*ainunMENAWAN ;)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Give me a BREAK!
The title really had nothing to do with my scrabbling. In a blink of eye, there were only one week left for me before I became a college student. Wondering, how life would be there? Hectic? Quiet? Nerd? Wondering too, what type of people there? Geeks? Outgoing? Funny? Fast motion? Oh, I still can’t believe myself. Going out there, struggling and fighting for my future. I didn’t think that I’ll be in going to this path, I mean, in this kind of way. Sometimes I find it pretty funny. Of course it’s a dream come true. I thank Allah for everything that I have now. I’m satisfied, enough said.
She is pristine.
She grow up as a girl who is not that smart who have that ‘wow ‘ factor in herself. A real underdog.
She used to not really use her brain before. Sometimes, people underestimate her.
She tried so hard to improve herself without anyone realize.
She kept trying and trying until she satisfied.
She grows as a teenager by her own experience, a gutter kind of experienced.
She always tried to endure the entire obstacle but sometimes, she failed.
She laugh out loud when she sad.
She is me; Ainun Munirah Zulkiflee.
And I’m going to be what I want to be. That’s a promise.
Monday, June 15, 2009
jari saya sakit.
seriously, it's so painful! especially when you need and have to press the chords. oh my! terrible.
but, nsib baik, i can play one song, Dewi by Dewa 19 but still tergagap-gagap.
Somehow, i'll try harder! caiyo! :D
Sunday, June 14, 2009
chord ; E major, C minor and etc.

guitar from ayah. saya mahu reggae!
actually, it is not that hard playing it, bu you have to be so focused and have a long practice. oh yes! it's true.
i just stood there like total jerk and stared and what is in my is betol ke???
demi cintaku pada guitar, i'll do it! yeah!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Did someone just give me a wake up call or something?
it did realize me. it freaked me out for a moment.oh, does. ( it's the intro )
again, it turn to be a lousy day for me. i was extremely bored and again watching movie with izyan, brides war. i analyze the movie and ohh, it freakin me out. i thought about it once,twice until i can't even barely think about it. Somehow, i don't want my friendship with my bestfriend turn out to be that kind of way. Can ppl really imagine it. Somehow, that kind of thing may happen to us.
*the story begins with two bestfriend who known each other since they were a kid and dream of everything to be done together. One thing for sure that both of them really want is, getting married at The Plaza on June. So, both of them get engaged and bla..bla..bla..and they went to meet miss st.claire( if i'm not mistaken), the wedding planner. And the crisis happen when both of them got a same date for their wedding and none of them want to back off. Then, the fight start! and bla..bla..bla..until the weddinng day. They both fight at the altar and get back to be a bestfriend again.
( i summerised it up, you've got to watch it!)
of thoughts, bestfriend is like sisters. the bond is just too strong like a noble gas ; a stable electron arrangement. it's the same anology.
whatever happen, bestfriend will stick with each other.
i do have an experienced in which having fight and crisis with our own bestfriend but it actually make us stand to be strong and we both learned and yes, close again.
and of second thought, friends are not to be so perfect with each other because everyone is not perfect and there should be pros and cons. ( saying this through experience..ngeh!)
love someone from their weaknesses not from their perfections.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
si butang.
today, i felt a little bit alive than before. Last night i watch Benjamin Button starring the hot to throb, Brad Pitt and drop dead gojes, Kate Blanchet. Man, that movie really touched me. Sedih amat di pengakhirannya. Although, the movie is quite boring at the beginning but i still want to watch it. This Benjamin who is born to be old and then getting younger as he grown up. And i tell you, Brad Pitt is so not looking good when he's 80. Ooohh! so bad! Somehow, the movie gives some moral value that i can learn. It makes you think more in this movie because it's too abstract. Back to the hero, Mr. Bejamin. What a gentleman which i thought, i too can fall in love with him although he is waaaayyy to old than his age. Somehow i wonder, is there any more gentleman like Mr. Benjamin left in this world??? because i've to find one. haha! anyone???
Monday, June 8, 2009
bored i am.
BORED. i can only say that because that is the only thing that kept bugging my head. so, i've been doing loads in fact tones of stupid things which i couldn't describe or say here because it will only embarassed me. that sunday, i went to kg. because there was this kenduri and hell yeah! penat la weih! i thought, by going there, i can sit and goyang2 kaki but man...i had to wash the dish in hte house which is actually not that muchla...haha (mengada). luckily, i have this beautiful cousins yg amatla rajin helping me at the kitchen. phheeww! After all those tiring moment, i went back to taiping and i'm so happy that aina and farah stayed at kg. to play with all the cousin. ALEE!!! seronok because, the house will be more quiet because they are not there so that i could yell out at them..haha!
jd, inilah kami di kg. menjadi pencuci pinggan paling hot di kg. keroh hulu...

sekian utk cerita di kg.
selepas tu, hari ini, aku memulakan hariku di hospital.Maklumlah, kene biasakan diri..hehehe..
so, i went off to columbia asia for my medical check up result and reviewing my mentoux test. Alhamdulillah, i'm perfectly fine :D
di sana, aku terpaksa la tunggu sbb dr. yg merawatku ade emergency. An old folks. So, me and izyan went to the cafe and lepak-lepak di sana. We ate sandwich and minuman kegemaran saya ; tropicana twister...oooo lalalala!

the conclusion is, i'm bored and ca't wait to start my lesson in kmb although it was freakin hard and tiring.
p/s : aku rase mcm nk meletop je.
cinta sempurna ;)

Aku manusia lemah
Selalu terjatuh
Berbeda aku darimu
Kau berdiri teguh
Aku serba tiada
Aku kekurangan
Dan bila kau tiba aku hilang dari kewujudan
Sempurnanya sifatmu
Telusnya hatimu
Jujurnya niatmu
Tingginya kesbrnmu
Lepaskanlah diriku
Kerna aku
tak mampu tuk memnaggung sebuah cinta sempurna
Bukan aku tak pernah
Mengerti dirmu
ku sanjung setiap kata cinta kau berikan aku
Hilangkan rasa itu
Akhirkankan semua
Dan bila kau sedar
Aku hilang dari kewujudan
Sempurnanya sifatmu
Telusnya hatimu
Jujurnya niatmu
Tingginya kesbrnmu
Lepaskanlah diriku
Kerna aku
Tak mampu tuk menanggung sebuah cinta sempurna darimu
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
maseh! maseh!

1. Copy award di atas untuk diletakkan di blog anda.
2. Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik mengenai pemberi award ini :
- HOT babe!
- out going...x kedekut! as usual, kuat gelak
- menjadi SPM candidate 2008 bersama saya! dia dpt 10 A awook!
3.Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya :
-kuat makan
-kuat pokpek
-kuat tidur
-saya penyayang tau!
-obses kot dgn cristiano ronaldo...haha!
-selalu semangat!
-syg kawan saya
-saya selalu single
-saya selalu gelak!
4.Anda perlu memilih 5 penerima award seterusnya dan describe tentang mereka :
-izyan ; adekku yg sgt suke kamera dan si cantik menawan
-syud ; suke gelak bile aku bkk mulut juga kawan terbaik
-ilya ; cousin aku yg gojes
-aimi ; si cerdik pandai yg hensem
-afak ; junior MEGA dgn senyuman yg menawan.hehe :D
love ; ainunMENAWAN
saya tahu saya salah. saya tahu. tapi kenapa tak nak marah saya.
biar saya nangis.
saya dah buat kawan terbaik saya sedih. saya turut sedih.
saya benci benda nie. saya kecewa dgn diri saya.
kawan terbaik, saya minta maaf. Saya tahu, walaupun berjuta kali saya minta maaf, benda dah jadi.
lagi saya minta maaf dan terus begini, lagi saya rasa bersalah. tolong saya.
kadang-kadang kami gila berkongsi cerita. apa salahnya.
saya tidak suka orang yg menyakiti hati kawan terbaik saya kerana saya mengenalinya dulu dan menyayanginya dulu dari anda.
kawan terbaik saya adalah kawan saya masa susah dan senang.saya sayang dia.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
1. I need 2 tell u something, read number 5
2. Are u in a rush? Jgn kelam! read number 8
3. Are u curious now? QuiCK!! read number 9
4. Look its the following....u betta read number 15
5. I havent got the guts....just read number 17
6. I would like to tell u..but first read number 16
7. I'll tell u...but first read number 2
8. Its very simple...just read number 4
9. OyyTe..ingt explore race kew!...jus read number 18
10. err..jap2..aper ek nk ckp tdi?? number 19
11. Are u gettin tired? relax...just read number 13
12. Like i was number 3
13. You're nearly there....HaPPy??…read number 20
14. Just dropped by to say HI THERE,wassup!! heheehe!
15. Ur getting nervous ryte??..just read number 6
16. U still dont get it?? Your weird! just read number 12
17. Oh! im number 7
18. I dunno if u'll understand...just read number 10
19. Read number 11...slowly...and u'll find out
20. Now im'a tell number 14...really quietly ok?
dah abes??? maseh! :D
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
the feelings.

Ainun, I’m writing this to you, Ainun Munirah Zulkiflee. Wake up and be real...looking forward for any opportunities. People give you the chances because they know you can do it. That’s why. Maybe, there are reasons Allah send you there. It’s because, you are chosen to be one of the overseas student. InsyaAllah…one day…
Ya Allah, aku hambamu yang lemah dan hina. Aku mengharapkan redha dan cintamu, ya Allah. Kau berikanlah aku kekuatan dan semangat untuk belajar dan meneruskan cita-citaku ya Allah. Sesungguhnya, engkau maha mengetahui segala isi haitku. Berikanlah aku petunjuk dan suluhkanlah padaku cahaya keimanan ya Allah, amin.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
and now..everything is LINTANG PUKANG!!!!
sorry for the inconvinience..huh!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Kolej MARA Banting!
semoga BERJAYA!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
thankful :D
ok, i was very thankful to Allah because Allah had given me a great life to live..Alhamdulillah...i was also thankful because i got an offer to Universiti Malaya for Asasi Sains Hayat.For me, it was enough but, i'm still boping foer the best...insyaAllah..if God wills..heee..kalau ade chance, nk jugak aku merasa pegi ireland ke, russia ke..heee :D
i'm still waiting for the result and everybody was asking me.."dah dpt ke offer?"
gosh! that questioned always piss me off! but xpe..may they pray the best for me as i noe, they love me...
untuk UM, tunggulah...i'll be there! :D
Monday, April 27, 2009
hang out bersama muizz [ the gardens]
hari ini, aku dan sepupuku,muizz a.k.a cimuit pegila meronda mid valley tu...excited mcm biawak masuk mid valley pastu pegi terus mcd sbb lapar sgt...then, kitorang pegi beli tiket wyg..konon2 nk tgk the uninvited yg konon2 lagi tu seramla sgt! pooorrraaah!!!! kalau nenek aku yg direct pon lg seram..aiyo! syud yg ikot aku tgk wyg tu pon kte x seram walaupun pada hakikatnya die dah terpekik telolong sebelum start movie lg..hehehehehe..syud2..yg sepupu aku plak mmg habis machola duduk diam2 tgk wyg..sempoila! tp aku tau jgk die takut..di lubuk hati die yang paling dalam...wahahahaha!!!!
tetapi!!! sebelum kami ke wayang, aku dan muizz buat muke selamba biawak kitorang masuk the gardens...wahahahaha..kelakar seyh..konon anak tauke petronas ke pe...hehehehe..semulanya kami bercite2 jgkla nk beli bju tetapi memandangkan harganya yg menyebabkan ktorang boleh support diri utk sebulan, ktorang x jadila..mau gugur rambut aku nie..mule2 ktorang masuk GAP...heee..confident habislah! lps tu..belek satu baju..pastu pusing butik tu..belek lagi bkn baju pon yg ktorang tag price die..hahahaha...pas2 ktorang wat muke secomel mungkin masuk Armani exchange..wahahaha..aku rasekan baju tu mcm singlet pagoda ayah aku je tp sbb ade cop armani exchange die jd len trus..huh!aku memebelek..paling murah pon rm180..mak aii! tp xdela jerit kt situ...still mencomelkan diri dan mencari pintu keluar yang aku rasa mmg dh panggil aku lame dah...yang paling best ktorang ke banana republic..woooaaa!!! cousin aku wat muke x malu..alkisahnya..aku baru masuk 2 minit..baju pon x smpt pegang tp cousin aku dh keluar..pastu aku mcm cicak cari die..rupenye die dh lari keluar..die x tgk bju trus cari tag price kt baju tp xjmpela plak! tp sbb kakak sales girl tu dah mcm kambing snyum2..die pon kate..
sales girl : [ senyum kambing]
muizz : aahh..tq je...heee :D
wahahahahaha!!! aku punyela nk sebaik aku pndai belakon..konon2 belek la lg due tige baju..smbil tu tgkla hrge die..yg paling murah pon aku tgk is rm 346..adoi!!! mane aku nk cari det..nk beli boleh tp 4 tahunla aku x tuka baju tu..huuuu..gile la dunia skarang nie...
mmg glamour!!! ktorang dah jln..rse mcm nk membuang..carila toilet...
mcm ni la toilet kt situ...
-tandas! RM5...katenye : please pay rm5 to enter
aku mcm..tuttt!!!! wtf! tgk pakcik india pakai kot kaler hitam yg jage toilet tu...aiyo..mau masuk tu pon mhl sgt ka??? mcmla die bgi mngkuk tandas emas pon! air die sme je...mcm spa la plak tandas...
tp takpe,aku redha..sape soh aku pergi situ...tibe2..aku jmpe signboard toilet lg..n guess what! aku dh tkut nk masuk toilet tu..sbb nnti kene byr rm5...cousin aku mmg selamba masuk je..rupenye xyah byr plak kt floor tu...hahhahaha...habis sungguh2 die ajak aku soh aku try masuk toilet..die kate.." cepatla wei..hang masuk..aku tunggu luar..nnti rugi wei kalau x masuk!" gile..aku bole menginap pon kt situ...
lps dah tgk n merewang kt the gardens tu..aku n muizz pon balik mid valley n tgkla cite wyg yg x bape nk seram tu....
conclusionnye, outing hari nie mmg bestla!!! havoc gile!! muizz, kte boleh wat cmnie lagi eh!
to syudud..sronokla tgk cte hantu ngan ko!! wahahahaha :D
hehehe :D
first impression ketika mendapat majalah itu :
1.cantiknya !!! xsia2 aku jd MEGArians..hehehe :D
bila aku go through majalah tu, rase mcm sedih sgt sbb teringat story dulu2..aiyo...kenangan lampau! hehehehe...very memorable..
ku belek2 muke kawan aku dlm majalah tu..sume mmg gempak..yang comel dan menawan dan yang hensem dan macho!
aku rindu skolah aku!!!!
so, utk sume org yg sudah membaca MEGA, diharap anda menyukainya..maseh!
sygku!!! i've been tagged.
You have been hit.
You are considered one of the prettiest ladies with a kind, warm and loving heart.
Once you have been hit, you have to hit 10 pretty ladies with kind, warm and loving hearts.
If you get hit again you know you're really pretty and kind.
So hit 10 pretty ladies to let them know they are pretty -- both on the inside and the outside and that they are loved and cared about.
I hit you ;
Friday, April 10, 2009
xde title
rindu aku kt sume kwn2 aku yang setia ngan aku di internet tu..waah!
aku ade intebiu 14 ariebulan nie..mak ai..nk meletop jntng aku..dahla wat ujian psikologi sume tnye soalan merapu!
mende la diorang yang diorang nk sebenanye? aku x paham btolla...
anyway..aku xde bende nk ckp sebenanye...saje nk merapu..
btw..i wanna say sori to fadzleen kerana kesilapan menaip di blogku...sorila..i tak sengaja..ok! pape pon..aku ttp syg ko ok!! ok ye fadzleen!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
irfan yg tagged :D
1.Anda rasa anda hot?
- well, of coursela...who wouldn't admit they are HOT!
2.Bila kali terakhir makan pizza.
-! that was soooo long time since noblians menyambut my birthday di PERLIS! wahahaha :D
3.Lagu terakhir anda dengar.
- new hit from miley cyrus...what is that song huh?? can't rememberla..
4.Apa yang anda sedang buat selain dari tag ini?
- check my name on PILN interview...wohoo...i'm lucky! weee :D
5.Selain dari nama anda sendiri, apa nama yang anda suka dipanggil?
- ntah...xdela kot
6.Tag lagi 5 orang
7.Siapa no.1
- my super bestfriend yg kini ku gelar cik dud! budak straight 1A! congrates! :D
8.Siapakah orang no.2
-A friend of mine...orangnye comel yg amat! juga pak lawak..hehehe :D
9.Orang no.3 ada hubungan dgn sesiapa?
-hehehe...rasenya adekku masih solo... heee :D
10.Bagaimana dengan orang no.4
-same je kot..
11.Nak kata sesuatu berkenaan dgn org no.5?
-hmmm...i havn't seeing you for a long timela....aiyo! huuu :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
tehee ;D
-hahaha...i just laugh ( but then it was in time when i already married la...)
Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize?
-yes! absolutely :D
Are you good at hiding your feelings?
-oh, i bet no! ; in certain cases...yes!
Are you wasting your time on someone?
-nope...i mean who care!
Explain the last time you threw up:
- it was when i felt very sick at my maktab and i ran to the bilik air and pom! oh, it was disgusting. dah, enuff!
Last thing that made you cry:
-hmm...bile aku marah adek aku! huu..sorry! x)
Do you have a bad temper?!
Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
-hell yeah! :D
How many funerals have you been to in your lifetime? is my atuk sayang and one is my nyang!
How often do you think about suicide?
What is your deepest fear?
-when i fail my exam ; well that's fear
-frog! eeeiiw
Do you REALLY love all your family?
-of coursela...soalan ape la nie ???
What do you want to believe in?
-believe in myself and faith :)
Do you have a secret crush on someone?
-hmmm...surely yes!
Are you proud of who you are?
- hahaha..yes! and VERY!
Do you feel alone even in crowded rooms?
-nope...aku ske sembang! :DD
What is the worst thing a person could do to you and still be forgiven?
-haaaaa...when she stoled my boyfriend from me ( tp jgn beranganla )
You're dying in 10 seconds, what are your last words to your best friend?
-saya sayang kamu ; bangge jd kawan kamu! :D
Freedom or safety?
Think of a random person, and give them a message here, no names:
-i like you! do you ever noe that???
Has a song ever made you cry?
A book ever made you cry?
-yes...its a saddd story man!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
i understand :(
" asal ko dulu sng je dpt masuk kn?? mule2 SBP...pastu dpt masuk MRSM...mmg xde rezeki aku kot..."
i was so...hmm..speechless....tatau nk ckp ape..aku hanye mmpu ckp :
"sabarla..rezeki xde lagi...nnti dptla tu" and i smiled at her...
adoi..aku kesian sgt kt die...semoga Allah berikan die only one chance to prove that she is a smart student, and, she have the courage to face the world and the reality..amin..
untuk calyn :D
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
man of my dream ;)
he's the one lah!
dia hot ok! enuff.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
firstly, Ya Allah, syukur ke hadapanmu kerana engkau telah memberi aku kekuatan untuk menjadi seorang manusia yang matang dan make me act like a real muslim...
manusia,manusia...aku tataula...sometimes we don't noe what types of homosapiens that we met...rambut je sama hitam tp hati laen-laen...
kejadian yg telah berlaku pada aku membuatkan aku lebih kuat dan lebih byk istiqamah...
i started thinking, what is that thing that i do wrong to the person...if i do wrong, i will immediately apologize with sincere...
and as i noe, i never disturb people life, but why should they...saying bad words to me...oh, why?
i just pray to Allah so that these kind of people have a good life and did not do those things to other...
once says : memaafkan orang adalh satu kemestian kerana ia memeberikan kamu kehidupan yang tenang dan bahagia...sentiasa mendoakan orang yang terbaik kerana doa yang tidak baik tidak akan dimakbulkan...tidak memaafkan dan mendoakan perkara buruk kepada orang adalah bukan sifat orang Islam...
Saturday, January 31, 2009
ya Allah ya tuhanku, kau ampunkan dosaku dan dosa org di sekeliling ku...kau berikan kekuatan utkku ya Allah.. sesungguhnya apa yang aku lakukan bukan berniat utk meniru atau menyakitkan hati sesiapa. Ya Allah, berikanlah aku iman yang kuat agar aku tidak lemah dan tidak menyakiti mane2 pihak...sesungguhnya engkau maha mengetahui setiap isi hati ku dan niat sebenarku..amin....
p/s : to whom i concern, saye minta maaf ye.people make mistake without they realize... sorry again...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
i wanna yell out loud at him!!!!
get off biatch!
api kemarahan sdg membuak-buak! he irritates the shit outta me man!
"jgn nk cari boyfriend..igt nk blaja dulu...nnti abes sume bende..."
dan aku yg tercegat kt situ..tegelak je la...
pastu opah pula menyambong bicara! hahahah :
"isy..xpe ade bf..nnti jd anak dare tue plak...xlaku..asal tahu jage diri sudah! "
hahahahaha..aku punye la tegelak...sbb due2 laen pendapat...opah kte dh jd mcm trend skarang ade kte kene pndai la jge diri and our own
pape pon..aku salute la ngan opah aku..very up to date! hahaha..cayala...
but..aku ttp ngan my own self. this is my time for myself and family is priority...takde utk org laen..hehehe ;)