Saturday, December 29, 2007

KAMI's marathon

it was a blast seeing KAMI with my sis...OMG..i've made it..actually its not my idea but it was my sis..and i thought about it and it was great...the story is full of lesson...u should see how ezani acts! stunning...i used to hate not hatela...just x berape suke a guy name with i felt like i'm falling 4 him...haha ;) sorry sis! The endless emotion by the actors n the actress was enough to satisfy me to watch that teenage kind of drama...
ok!!! enough 4 today...better do some other marathons mayb???
just to say..KAMI really into gigs! seriously...

1 comment:

[i.l.y.a] said...

haha.. yep2.. agree! ezani's HOT!!!! but i've check out him on fs and luckily i found him BUT his girlfriend is TOTALLY buruk and extremely mengadaaaa.. cess! but I LOVE ALI!!!! to death.